Sunday, August 4, 2013

Water Baptism for Children

Our annual New Life Water Baptism Service and Church picnic is coming up Sunday, August 18th at Stoney Creek Metro Park. With the baptism around the corner, I have been having numerous conversations with families about the age in which their child should become water baptized. Chris and I have been discussing this with Isaac this past year as well, and I was so blessed by what Pastor Mike shared in his message today. If you missed it, please listen to it here... he starts talking about water baptism at the 23:20 point, and specifically talks about the age our children should be baptized at the 37:00 point.

We also had a Water Baptism class in Small Town last week and have print-outs available. Please see Keri Sheerer or Jeni Cupp for a copy to discuss with your children.

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